Help! I’ve Lost My Identity! How to get it back.
Ask anyone “how are you today?” and you will almost immediately get the typical “I’m good.” response, but ask someone “WHO are you today?” and they will be speechless. Why is that?
I believe it’s because we live in a world of identity absorption. We are constantly being bombarded with flashy images of everyone else’s highlight reel and perfect bikini body. At the end of the day, our own personal lives and bodies seem dull, flabby, and not good enough for pictures. So, we absorb the identities and personalities of those around us rather than dig deep to find our most authentic self.
Have you ever felt this way?
I began to realize that fitness can play a major role in stealing the identity of women, when I felt the same way. I remember thinking that no one would accept me as a “good trainer” if my body didn’t look like a CrossFit athlete. Social media, commercials, and marketing will all tell you that in order to be “healthy” you need to look like a Victoria’s Secret model, and I’m here to tell you that’s a lie from the pit of hell.
Not only do these images create an unrealistic perception of health, they also encourage us to equate our identity with how our body looks.
What’s the problem with that you may ask?
Let me tell you something … we’re all getting old. Your. body will change and no amount of nipping, tucking or lifting can change that. Go to a nursing home and ask someone what they wish they had more of and I guarantee you that it wasn’t more compliments about their body, but rather time spent with loved ones and peace with themselves and others.
The reason our identity has been misplaced is that we have lost connection with the Creator of the Universe who gave us our identity in the first place. You see, when a potter molds his creation, he gets to name his new masterpiece, not the spot of clay.
God has given you a name. He calls you holy, set-apart, loved, His child, forgiven, and my personal favorite ACCEPTED.
Restoring your identity starts with re-connecting with the Master Potter who formed you in your mother’s womb. He can’t make mistakes, and He certainly didn’t make a mistake when He didn’t give you a thigh gap, perfect teeth, or long legs.
God doesn’t compare what He creates either. He sees you as His perfectly designed masterpiece and HE LOVES YOU just as you are RIGHT NOW no more or less than anyone.
We are no longer working out to find acceptance from those around us or ourselves. Instead, we can own our acceptance and joyfully pursue health out of love and NOT fear of rejection.
So, next time you’re grinding away at your workout, remember that you are fully known and fully loved for who you are TODAY.
Find peace in that. Find rest in that. Own that identity because no one on earth can take it from you.
All the Love,
Coach Laura